68 American Dental Association the patient’s bloodstream.173 Both KHA and the NKF recommend careful monitoring of hemodialysis systems to ensure proper mechanical function.170,172 Since the composition of water varies in different geographic locations in the United States, the U.S. Public Health Service recommends dialysis units use techniques such as reverse osmosis and de-ionization to remove excess iron, magnesium, aluminum, calcium, and other minerals, as well as fluoride, from tap water before the water is used for dialysis.173 46. What are some of the erroneous health claims made against water fluoridation? Answer. From sources such as the internet, newsletters, social media and personal anecdotes in emails, it is frequently claimed that community water fluoridation causes the following adverse health effects: AIDS Allergic Reactions (e.g.,loss of hair, skin that burns and peels after contact with fluoridated water) Accelerated Aging Alzheimer’s disease Arthritis Asthma Austism Behavioral Problems (e.g., attention deficit disorders) Bone Disease (e.g.,osteoporosis –increased bone/ hip fractures) Cancer (all types including osteosarcoma or bone cancer) Chronic Bronchitis Colic (acute abdominal pain) Cystic Fibrosis Down Syndrome Emphysema Enzyme Effects (gene-alterations) Flatulence (gas) Gastrointestinal Problems (irritable bowel syndrome) Harmful Interactions with Medications Heart Disease Increased Infant Mortality Low Birth Weight for Infants Kidney Disease Lead Poisonings Lethargy (lack of energy) Lower IQ scores Malpositioned Teeth Parkinson’s Disease Calcification of the Pineal Gland (causing early puberty) (chronic insomnia) Reproductive issues (damaged sperm) (reduced fertility) Skin Conditions (redness, rash/welts, itching) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Thyroid Problems (goiter and obesity due to hypothyroidism) AND Tooth Decay Fact. As discussed throughout this document, the best available scientific evidence consistently has indicated that fluoridation of community water supplies is safe and effective. The possibility of any adverse health effects from continuous low-level consumption of fluoride has been and continues to be studied extensively. Of the thousands of credible scientific studies on fluoridation, none has shown health problems associated with the consumption of optimally fluoridated water. Of the thousands of credible scientific studies on fluoridation, none has shown health problems associated with the consumption of optimally fluoridated water.
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