Benefits l Fluoridation Facts 15 At 0.7 mg/L, there are seven-tenths of one part of fluoride mixed with 999,999.3 parts of water. While not exact, the following comparisons can be of assistance in comprehending 0.7 mg/L: 1 inch in approximately 23 miles 1 minute in approximately 1000 days 1 cent in approximately $14,000.00 1 seat in more than 34 Wrigley Field baseball parks (seating capacity 41,268) The following terms and definitions are used in this publication: Community water fluoridation is the controlled adjustment of the natural fluoride concentration in water up to 0.7 mg/L, the level recommended for optimal dental health. Other terms used interchangeably are water fluoridation, fluoridation and optimally fluoridated water. Optimal levels of fluoride can be present in the water naturally or by adjusted means. Sub-optimally fluoridated water is water that naturally contains less than the optimal level (below 0.7 mg/L) of fluoride. Other terms used are nonfluoridated water and fluoride-deficient water. Additional information on this topic can be found in this Section, Question 6. The level of fluoride in water is measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L) or parts per million (ppm). When referring to water, a concentration in milligrams per liter is identical to parts per million and the notations can be used interchangeably. Thus, 0.7 mg/L of fluoride in water is identical to 0.7 ppm. The preferred notation is milligrams per liter. 4. How much fluoride is in your water? Answer. If your water comes from a public/community water supply, the options to learn the fluoride level of the water include contacting the local water supplier or the local/county/state health department, reviewing the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) issued by your local water supplier, and using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s internet based “My Water’s Fluoride.” If your water source is a private well, it will need to be tested and the results obtained from a certified laboratory. Fact. The fluoride content of the local public or community water system can be obtained by contacting the local water supplier or the local/county/state health department. The name of your water system might not be the same as the name of your community. In 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began requiring water suppliers to make annual drinking water quality reports accessible to their customers. Available prior to July 1 each year for the preceding calendar year, these Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs), or Water Quality Reports,18 can be mailed to customers, placed in the local newspaper or made available through the internet. To obtain a copy of the report, contact the local water supplier. If the name of the community water system is unknown, contact the local health department. There are two sites on the internet that supply information on water quality of community water systems. The online source for Water Quality Reports or CCRs is the EPA website19 at: https:// Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) fluoridation website, “My Water’s Fluoride,”20 is available at: DOH_MWF/Default/Default.aspx. The website allows consumers in currently participating states to learn the fluoridation status of their water system. It also provides information on the number of people served by the water system, the water source, and if the water system is naturally fluoridated or adjusts the fluoride level in the water supply.20 The EPA does not have the authority to regulate private drinking water wells. However, the EPA recommends that private well water be tested once a year.21 For
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