NEW Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a noninvasive, painless way to treat tooth decay that can benefit many people, especially those who have trouble sitting for long periods of time to allow you to place a traditional filling. Inform patients about this easy-to-apply treatment that can be used as an alternative to a traditional filling to help stop tooth decay. NEW Vaping and E-Cigarettes Vaping among children was declared a public health epidemic in 2018. Many school-aged children, preteens and teenagers take up vaping without understanding the potential risks to their health. Many adults begin vaping to help them quit smoking, then end up using both. Use this brochure to educate your patients who vape, or may be tempted to vape, about the potential risks to their health. Pricing for Brochures STANDARD BROCHURES PACKS MEMBER RETAIL 1 $30.00 $45.00 2–9 $25.50 $38.25 10+ $22.50 $33.75 PERSONALIZED BROCHURES QTY MEMBER RETAIL 150 $90.00 $135.00 400 $216.00 $324.00 800 $408.00 $616.00 Features Introduces what SDF is and how it is used Lists people who may benefit from SDF, including children and elderly adults Explains drawbacks, such as staining, but emphasizes that treatment is safe W50322 6 panels, 50 per pack Features Explains what vaping is and that vaping is especially common among middle and high school students Lists harmful chemicals and particles that may be inhaled while vaping Suggests alternate tools for smoking cessation besides vaping W51822 6 panels, 50 per pack Answers the questions: What is SDF? Is it safe to use? Who is a good candidate for SDF? Are there any side effects? According to the 2021 National Youth Tobacco Survey conducted by the FDA and CDC, more than 2 million school-age children (grades 6-12) reported use of e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. Be prepared to treat and help these kids when they are in your chair. COMING SOON! COMING SOON! ORDER BY PHONE: 800.947.4746 50 51 ORDER ONLINE: ADASTORE.ORG PATIENT EDUCATION NEW BROCHURES
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