The Chairside Instructor 5 Tooth Development: Permanent Teeth Oral Anatomy Permanent Teeth UPPER TEETH ERUPT Central incisor 7-8 yrs. Lateral incisor 8-9 yrs. Canine (cuspid) 11-12 yrs. First premolar (1st bicuspid) 10-11 yrs. Second premolar (2ndbicuspid) 10-12 yrs. First molar 6-7 yrs. Second molar 12-13 yrs. Third molar (wisdom tooth) 17-21 yrs. LOWER TEETH ERUPT Third molar (wisdom tooth) 17-21 yrs. Second molar 11-13 yrs. First molar 6-7 yrs. Second premolar (2nd bicuspid) 11-12 yrs. First premolar (1st bicuspid) 10-12 yrs. Canine (cuspid) 9-10 yrs. Lateral incisor 7-8 yrs. Central incisor 6-7 yrs. Chart of Tooth Types Molars 2nd Premolars (2nd bicuspids) 1st Premolars (1st bicuspids) Canines (cuspids) Lateral Incisors Central Incisors Every mouth is different. Teeth may come in earlier or later than what’s shown in this chart.
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