“Immediately applicable! I highly recommend this wonderful compilation of letters.” – Dr. Hemali Ajmera, Woodside, N.Y. A Dentist’s Guide to the Law: 228 Things Every Dentist Should Know A Dentist’s Guide to the Law discusses legal issues that can arise concerning practice formation, marketing, employment, privacy and data security, disability access, contracts, insurance, patient treatment, and more! It also addresses key questions such as: • How do I dismiss a troublesome or threatening patient? • What can I do about a negative online review? • What should I do if a law enforcement official asks for information about a patient? • What are some laws that affect my practice website? • What does my payment processor mean by “PCI compliant?” • What are some legal considerations when selecting an electronic dental record? The user-friendly Q&A format provides easy access to information that can help you stay in compliance with applicable laws. L756BT Book + e-Book, 277 pages | Members $69.95 Retail $104.95 Book ISBN# 978-1-941807-17-0 | e-Book ISBN# 978-1-941807-18-7 SAMPLE QUESTION 156. CAN I CONSULT WITH OTHER DENTISTS WHEN SETTING MY FEES? As a general rule, discussions among independent dentists about the fees they will charge can lead to allegations of a violation of the antitrust laws, especially where those discussions are followed by the adoption of identical pricing. Dentists are viewed as competitors in the marketplace, and agreements between competitors to fix prices is presumptively illegal. Moreover, price fixing is regarded as a “per se” violation, meaning that liability is automatic, with no consideration of any justifications or offsetting circumstances. To avoid creating significant legal risk–both criminal and potentially expensive civil liability exposure–sole practitioners should always set their fees independently, based on what they perceive to be the value of their services and what they believe the market will bear. Dentists in partnerships or joint or group practices, however, are regarded as participants in a single entity for antitrust purposes, and their collaboration is legitimate. Similarly, properly structured networks of dentists that share financial risks may be viewed on balance as pro-competitive and thus, within that network, not subject to the antitrust laws, but the parameters for such networks are strictly defined. “The ADA’s A Dentist’s Guide to the Law is the best source of practical legal and risk management information for dentists that I have ever seen. Every dental office should have a copy.” – David J. Owsiany, Executive Director Ohio Dental Association The ADA Practical Guide to Dental Letters: Write, Blog and Email Your Way to Success This compilation of professionally written letters can be customized and adapted to your needs — whatever they may be. Updated to reflect the many ways in which we communicate, Dental Letters now offers sample content for: • News releases • Twitter • Blog posts • Facebook • Emails • Websites • Text messages • Traditional letters Examples of how to adapt the one-page letters for various formats are shown throughout the book. Book comes with digital versions of letters in Microsoft Word format for easy personalization. J053BT Book + e-Book, 281 pages | Members $69.95 Retail $104.95 Book ISBN# 978-0-986079-5-6 | e-Book ISBN# 978-0-986079-6-3 BEST SELLER Life After Dentistry: Retirement Lifestyle Readiness Life After Dentistry is a self-help guide to retirement happiness, providing unique insights, practical guidance and strategies to ensure a worthwhile and enjoyable retirement. The book helps dentists plan for the lifestyle part of retirement, not just the financial part. Life After Dentistry is an easy-to-read and practical book that reflects the needs of today’s retirees and elevates retirement lifestyle planning to a new standard. Written by Alan Roadburg, Ph.D. P037BT Book + e-Book, 213 pages | Members $38.95 Retail $58.45 Book ISBN# 237-0-0005087-9-9 | e-Book ISBN# 978-1-68447-007-5 “As co-founder of the Association of Retiring Dentists, and having studied retirement and aging for the past nine years, I have found Life After Dentistry to be the best source of specific, actionable information for dentists as they plan their retiring journey.” – Dr. Neil Hiltunen, president and co-founder, Association of Retiring Dentists 28 ORDER BY PHONE: 800.947.4746 MANAGING YOUR PRACTICE ORDER ONLINE: ADACATALOG.ORG 29 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT
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