Training Cups
and prevenTing TooTh deCay
Parents How to keep your
child’s teeth healthy
at every stage
Children learn healthy habits from
their parents and caregivers. You can
start good habits if you clean your
child’s teeth every day, feed your
child a healthy diet and take them
to the dentist on a regular basis.
A healthy diet builds strong
teeth in kids of all ages
Limit giving snacks in between meals.
New guidelines from the American Academy of
Pediatricians recommend that you do not give
your child juice until after their first birthday
including 100% juices.
Try not to use sweet foods and drinks to reward
your child.
If your child eats sweets, make sure it is with a meal.
Infants and young children should have a
healthy diet. Information can be found at
Your child’s first dental visit
Talk to your dentist about planning your child’s
first dental visit. It’s helpful to have the first visit
after the baby’s first tooth appears but no later
than the first birthday. This first visit is a “well-
baby checkup” for your child’s teeth.
At this visit, your dentist can check for decay
and other problems. They can show you how to
properly clean your child’s teeth.
Also, your dentist may offer advice on your
child’s diet, pacifier use, and oral care products
for your family. They can tell you how to prevent
injuries to your child’s teeth and mouth and what
to do in case of a dental emergency.
Children should get the ideal level of fluoride
to help prevent tooth decay. Ask your child’s
dentist about how your child can get the right
amount of fluoride.
Try to get your child to drink from a cup by
their first birthday. Training cups should be
used for only a short time.
Once your child has learned how to sip, the
training cup is no longer needed and should
be set aside.
Don’t let your baby constantly sip on liquids
with sugar (including juice drinks). Offer
these liquids only at mealtimes. Keep their
cup out of reach while your child is in a car or
stroller. If they are thirsty between snacks or
meals, offer water in their cup.
Brush your child’s teeth for them two times
a day and for 2 minutes each time. Floss or
clean between their teeth as soon as they
have two teeth that touch.
Until your child is 3 years old, don’t use
more than a smear or grain-of-rice-sized
amount of fluoride toothpaste.
For children 3 to 6 years old, don’t use
more than a pea-sized amount of fluoride
The American Dental Association
recommends that you brush your child’s
teeth until they are at least 6 years old.
When your child is old enough to do the
brushing, watch to make sure they’re not
“rushing the brushing.” Teach your child to
spit out the toothpaste and not to swallow it.
Start brushing your baby’s teeth 2 times
every day (morning and night).
Use a child-sized toothbrush with soft
bristles and a toothpaste that has fluoride
(FLOOR-eyed). Fluoride is a mineral that
helps keep the outer layer of teeth strong.
This can help lower the risk of tooth decay.
Your child should not be allowed to
breastfeed constantly or fall asleep
while breastfeeding after their first
tooth comes in.
Infants should not be put to bed or
allowed to fall asleep with a bottle that
contains milk, formula, fruit juices, or any
liquids with sugar. Even watered-down
drinks can damage teeth.
If your child uses a pacifier, don’t dip it in
sugar or honey. Also, do not put it in your
mouth before giving it to the child. Bacteria
in your mouth that causes decay can be
passed to your baby.
A bottle should not be used as a pacifier.
Many sips of sugary liquids during the day
can cause tooth decay, too.
Remember: Toothpaste is not a
food! Don’t give your child more
because of the taste.
For children under
three years old
For children three
to six years old
Wipe your baby’s gums with a clean, wet
gauze pad or washcloth after each feeding,
before sleep. This removes bits of food that
can harm teeth that are starting to come in.
It also helps your child get used to having
their mouth cleaned.
When your child’s first tooth comes in
(around 6 months old)
Before any baby teeth come in
When your child’s second, third and more
teeth come in (around 8 months old)
Make sure your child finishes their bedtime
or naptime bottle before going to bed.
Your Child’s First
Visit to the Dentist
Show parents the importance of taking
babies to the dentist before their first
birthday. Let them know that preventive
care can save time, money, and teeth. This
brochure highlights the causes of tooth
decay, fluoride treatments, and dental
sealants, and provides tips for a positive
dental visit. It features a decay photo and
a tooth eruption chart.
6 panels, 50 per pack
Thumb Sucking, Finger
Sucking and Pacifier Use
Help explain to parents why children suck
on fingers and thumbs and how the habit
can impede proper mouth growth and
development. A photo gives visual impact by
showing an example of malocclusion caused
by sucking. Offers tips on when and how to
stop a child from thumbsucking.
4 panels, 50 per pack
Training Cups and
Preventing Tooth Decay
Share the dual message that sippy cups are
a short-term tool and that tooth decay can
begin soon after a baby’s teeth come in.
Explains how to choose a cup and gives tips
for lessening caries risk. Reminds parents
that children should visit the dentist before
their first birthday and that cavity-causing
bacteria can be transmitted to the baby.
6 panels, 50 per pack
Tooth Decay In Baby Teeth: Baby Teeth Can Get Cavities!
Help parents protect their little ones from tooth decay with this essential
ADA brochure. Explains how decay in primary teeth can have effects on child’s
tooth development and general health. Teaches parents which damaging habits to
avoid, such as constant sipping on the go or in bed. Revised “stages of decay” photos
make a strong visual impression. Updated message now includes American Academy
of Pediatrics’ juice guidelines.
English, 8 panels, 50 per pack
Happiness is a Healthy Smile:
A Message for Parents
This popular title touches on home care, nutrition,
fluoride, sealants, regular dental visits and sports
safety. Recently revised, it also includes the
updated recommendations for fluoride toothpaste
amounts. A terrific overview of dental health
for kids!
English, 6 panels, 50 per pack
Motivate parents to take charge of their
little ones’ hygiene, pacifiers and snacks.
1 $28.00 $42.00
2-9 $23.80 $35.70
10+ $21.00 $31.50
150 $73.50 $109.50
400 $180.00 $268.00
800 $336.00 $472.00
Pricing for Brochures
1 $28.00 $42.00
2-9 $23.80 $35.70
10+ $21.00 $31.50
150 $73.50 $109.50
400 $180.00 $268.00
800 $336.00 $472.00
Pricing for Brochures
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