You can keeping your child’s
teeth healthy
Clean your baby’s mouth during the first few
after birth.
After every feeding, wipe their baby’s gums w
gauze pad or wet washcloth. This removes pla
bits of food that can harm erupting teeth.
As soon as their first tooth appears (around
old), start brushing your baby’s teeth 2 time
(morning and night).
Use a child-sized toothbrush with soft bristl
a toothpaste that contains fluoride (FLOOR
Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps stren
outer layer of teeth.
For children under 3 years old, use no more
a smear or grain-of-rice-sized amount of fl
toothpaste. To clean your child’s teeth and g
can sit with their head in your lap. Be sure t
can easily see into their mouth.
Brush the teeth of children who are 3 to 6 yea
a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.
The American Dental Association recomm
that you brush your child’s teeth until they
least 6 years old. If they can’t tie their sho
they shouldn’t brush their teeth alone. Whe
child is old enough to do the brushing, watch t
sure she is not “rushing the brushing.” Make su
child spits out the toothpaste instead of swallo
Use floss as soon as your child has two t
touch. Ask your dentist or hygienist to show
to floss your child’s teeth.
When choosing dental products, look
for those that display the American
Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance,
which means that they meet the ADA’s
standards for safety and effectiveness.
Early childhood
Adult teeth start to form under the baby teeth.
Adult teeth
Baby teeth
Holding Open Space for
Permanent Teeth
Sometimes a baby tooth is lost before the adult
(permanent) tooth beneath it is ready to come in.
If a baby tooth is lost too early, nearby teeth can
shift into the open space. And when the adult tooth
is ready to come into the space, there may not be
enough room. The new tooth may be unable to come
in. Or it may erupt crooked or in the wrong place.
You Can Prevent Decay in
Baby Teeth
Tooth decay in baby teeth can affect the growth
of adult teeth. It also can be painful. Your child may
avoid eating and speaking normally if they have
tooth pain, so it is important to take good care of
baby teeth even though they will fall out later.
Decay can start as soon as teeth appear in your
child’s mouth. Decay happens when baby teeth are
in contact for long periods with liquids that have
sugar in them. These liquids include sweetened
water, soda, and fruit juice.
Tooth decay can happen when you put your baby
to bed with a bottle or use bottles to soothe them
if they are fussy. Once your baby has started to
eat solid foods, they may be given a bottle of
water at these times.
If your child loses a tooth early, the dentist may
recommend a space maintainer. This is a plastic
or metal retainer that holds open the space left
by the missing tooth. The dentist will remove this
retainer once the adult tooth begins to appear.
A space maintainer
holds space for a
permanent tooth.
Healthy baby teeth Initial decay
Initial decay Moderate to severe decay
Severe decay
Decay in Baby Teeth
Do not let your baby or toddler fall asleep
with a bottle of sugary liquids.
Do not give your baby juice until after they
turn 1 year old even 100% juice.
If your baby needs comfort between regular
feedings or at bedtime, give them a clean
pacifier. Never dip a pacifier in sugar or honey.
Do not put the pacifier in your mouth to clean
it and then put it in your baby’s mouth. You
may pass on decay-causing bacteria to them.
Do not allow your child to frequently sip sugary
liquids from bottles or training cups, since
this can also lead to decay. Even watered-
down sugary drinks, including juice or milk
can damage teeth. Milk has many nutrients
but it also has sugar. Be careful with how
frequently you give your child milk to sip.
Here are some tips to help protect
your child’s teeth from decay:
Use the right
amount of
toothpaste for
your child
For children under
three years old
For childre
to six year
Visit the dentist before your
child’s first birthday
Plan your child’s first dental visit after the first
tooth appears, but no later than their first birthday.
Consider it a “well-baby checkup” for your child’s
teeth. At this visit, the dentist can:
check for decay and other problems.
tell you how your child’s teeth are forming, how
to take care of those teeth, and what foods are
good for tooth development and overall health.
help your child get comfortable with visiting the
dentist, which can help get them lower anxiety
and fear about future visits.
How Pregnancy May Affect Your Gums
Pregnancy hormones can make your gum tissue more
sensitive to plaque bacteria. Your gums may become
red, tender, and puffy. They are likely to bleed easily
when you brush your teeth. This condition is called
gingivitis (jin-ja-VIE-tis) and it’s an early stage
of periodontal (perry-o-DON-tal) disease. Your
dentist may recommend that you have cleanings more
often during your second trimester or early third
trimester to help you avoid problems.
Red, tender, and puffy
gums are signs of gingivitis
and is very common during
pregnancy (and afterward,
if you nurse).
Image © Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In some women, growths of tissue called “pregnancy
tumors” appear on the gums, most often during the
second trimester. These growths or swellings are usually
found between the teeth and are believed to be related
to excess plaque. They look red and raw. They usually
disappear after the baby is born. Pregnancy tumors
usually don’t cause problems but bleed easily, so it’s
important to see your dentist.
Daily oral care is very important
while pregnant
Brush your teeth 2 times a day with a fluoride
toothpaste to remove plaque and help prevent
tooth decay and gum disease.
Floss or use another between-the-teeth cleaner
daily. Ask your dentist or hygienist to show you
how to brush and floss correctly.
Choose oral care products that display
the American Dental Association’s
Seal of Acceptance. This your sign
that they meet ADA standards for
safety and effectiveness.
If your baby has sore or tender gums as teeth
begin to appear, gently massage the gums with
a clean finger, small, cool spoon, or damp gauze
pad. Your dentist or pediatrician may recommend
a pacifier or teething ring.
Your Baby’s Teeth
Your child’s baby (primary) teeth begin to appear
about 6 months after birth. Most children have a full set
of 20 baby teeth by age 3. Strong, healthy baby teeth
help your child chew food easily, learn to speak clearly,
and smile. They also help give your child’s face its shape.
Baby teeth can start to decay as soon
as they appear
You may not realize it, but your baby’s teeth can
start to decay as soon as they appear in their
mouth. This can happen when your baby’s teeth are in
contact with sugary liquids often and for long periods.
These liquids include fruit juice, soda, and even milk
and formula. If decay is not treated, it can destroy
the baby teeth of an infant or young child.
Tooth care for your baby
The good news is that your child can avoid tooth
decay. Here are a few simple steps you can take to
keep your child’s smile healthy:
Never let your baby fall asleep with a bottle filled
with milk, formula, fruit juice or any other sugary
Never give your baby a pacifier dipped in sugar
or honey.
Do not put a pacifier in your mouth to clean it and
then put it in your baby’s mouth. You can pass
decay-causing bacteria to your baby.
Start cleaning your baby’s mouth early.
Before teeth appear, wipe your baby’s gums with
a wet washcloth or a clean gauze pad after each
As soon as their first tooth appears, start brushing
your baby’s teeth 2 times a day (morning and night).
Use a child-sized toothbrush with soft bristles
and a fluoride toothpaste.
Keep visiting your dentist regularly
Tell your dentist:
if you are pregnant or are planning to
become pregnant soon.
about any changes in your health.
all of the medicines you are taking
with or without a prescription.
about any medical advice your doctor
has given you.
During pregnancy, keep seeing your
dentist regularly for oral exams and
teeth cleaning. If you are worried
about the effects any drug, treatment,
or x-ray might have on your pregnancy, discuss
your concerns with your dentist and physician.
Dental X-Rays are generally safe
during pregnancy
Radiation from dental x-rays is low. Current guidelines
say it is riskier for you to put off necessary dental
treatment than to have an x-ray when you are
pregnant. This is because dental disease that isn’t
treated during pregnancy can lead to problems
for you and your baby.
Tell your dentist or hygienist if you are or might be
pregnant. If an x-ray exam is needed, your dental
team will take steps to keep the x-ray exposure
as low as possible.
Before Your Baby Arrives After Your Baby Is Born
Use the right
amount of
for your
For children under
three years old
For children three
to six years old
Think of the first dental visit as a “well-baby
checkup” for your child’s teeth. This can
help start a good relationship between your
child and their dentist.
Check your child’s teeth regularly.
Share information about preventing tooth
decay with others who may be helping
care for your child.
Getting the right amount of fluoride is best.
Plan your child’s first dental visit after
the first tooth comes in but no later
than their first birthday.
Healthy Smiles for Mother and Baby
From pregnancy through baby’s first year, all mothers need this advice. Highlights the
importance of mom’s oral health and that dental care is generally safe during pregnancy.
Offers tips for starting baby off with healthy habits and finding a dental home. Alerts
moms that decay-causing bacteria can be passed to the baby. Order the personalized
version of this brochure and generate referrals from local OB-GYNs!
8 panels, 50 per pack
Why Baby Teeth Are Important: A Healthy Start is Smart
Caring for baby teeth may not be top-of-mind for parents. This brochure directs their
attention to caries prevention and the big-picture role of primary teeth. Provides tips
for home care and includes tooth decay photos and a primary dentition chart. Advises
parents against serving sugary liquids in the bottle.
8 panels, 50 per pack
Pregnancy and Oral Health
This brochure emphasizes that good oral hygiene
and a healthy diet are important to both mother
and baby, and reassures moms-to-be that it is
generally safe to have dental treatment during
pregnancy. Explains how increased hormone
levels can affect the gums and how to fight tooth
decay with a healthy diet and daily home care.
Reminds patients to discuss any medications
with the dentist.
8 panels, 50 per pack
Baby Teeth: When They Come
In, When They Fall Out
Let parents know when they can expect their
child’s teeth to erupt and be shed with this
brochure. Loaded with illustrations, it includes
tooth eruption charts, photos of healthy smiles
and a diagram of teeth forming in the jaw.
Reassures parents that smiles in transition often
even out with time. Also gives the heads-up that
age 7 is a perfect time for a bite check.
6 panels, 50 per pack
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Pricing for Brochures
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800 $336.00 $472.00
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