Your Child’s Teeth: Helpful Tips
for Parents and Caregivers
Put kids on the path to good oral health by giving this best-seller to every
new patient’s parents! This illustrated booklet is a detailed guide to caring
for children’s teeth up to age 12. Starting with advice for expectant
mothers, Your Child’s Teeth covers brushing and flossing techniques for
children, nutrition, fluoride, and the importance of regular dental visits.
Tips on teething, early childhood caries and thumb sucking are included.
Encourages parents to establish good dental habits including regular
dental visits for their baby. Parents of older children are coached on
sealants, bite development, and injury prevention. With new brushing and
flossing photos and a tear-and-save dental emergencies section.
20 page booklet, 5.5” x 8.5”, 50 per pack
Pricing for Your Child’s Teeth
1 $35.00 $52.50
2-9 $29.75 $44.65
10+ $26.25 $39.35
To give your child a healthy start in life,
it’s important to take care of his or her
teeth and gums. That’s because if dental
disease is not treated, it can cause serious
health problems. This brochure will give
you tips to help keep your child’s smile
Baby’s first teeth
Your child’s baby (primary) teeth are important.
These teeth help your child chew and speak normally.
Baby teeth also hold space in the jaws for the adult
(permanent) teeth that come in later.
A baby’s teeth start to come in (erupt) when the baby
is about six months old. By age three, most children
have a full set of 20 baby teeth. Baby teeth will later
be lost (shed) as your child grows. This makes room
for adult teeth, which begin to come in around age 6.
By the time children are teenagers, they usually have
all of their adult teeth.
Prevent cavities
Tooth decay can begin as soon as a baby’s teeth come
in. Decay in baby teeth can cause pain. If decay is not
treated, it can destroy your child’s teeth. An abscess
(pus-filled sac) from an untreated cavity can cause
serious or even deadly infections. And children with
tooth decay may have trouble eating, so they don’t
get enough vitamins and minerals to grow up healthy.
When plaque on teeth (a sticky film of bacteria and
bits of food) uses the sugar in foods and drinks, it
turns them into acid. Each time a child eats or drinks,
that acid can attack the teeth for 20 minutes or
longer. These attacks weaken tooth enamel. Over
time tooth decay can develop and a cavity can form.
To help keep your child’s teeth healthy and
cavity-free, follow these tips:
Clean your child’s teeth daily.
Never put your child to bed with a bottle or training
cup or use a bottle as a pacifier.
If your child uses a pacifier, do NOT dip it in sugar,
honey or other foods.
Do not put pacifiers or spoons in your mouth before
giving it to the child. Decay-causing bacteria in
your mouth can be passed to your child.
Training cups should be used for only a short time.
Once your child has learned how to sip, the training
cup is no longer needed.
Do not let your child sip sugary liquids often
(including juice drinks).
o Age 6
The chart below gives the names of baby teeth.
It also shows when each tooth usually comes in
and is lost. Not all children get the same teeth
at the same time. Your child’s teeth may erupt
earlier or later than shown here.
Upper Teeth Erupt Shed
Central incisor 8-12 mos. 6-7 yrs.
Lateral incisor 9-13 mos. 7-8 yrs.
Canine (cuspid) 16-22 mos. 10-12 yrs.
First molar 13-19 mos. 9-11 yrs.
Second molar 25-33 mos. 10-12 yrs.
Lower Teeth Erupt Shed
Second molar 23-31 mos. 10-12 yrs.
First molar 14-18 mos. 9-11 yrs.
Canine (cuspid) 17-23 mos. 9-12 yrs.
Lateral incisor 10-16 mos. 7-8 yrs.
Central incisor 6-10 mos. 6-7 yrs.
Tooth Development Chart
Decay in baby teeth
Healthy baby teeth Moderate to severe decay
Moderate to severe decay Severe decay
Your Child’s Teeth from Birth to Age 6
This brochure covers all the bases for young children’s dental health. Contains a tooth
eruption chart, teething tips, step-by-step brushing and flossing photos and photos
of decay in primary teeth. Also discusses fluoride, managing sucking habits, and the
importance of visiting the dentist before age one.
8 panels, 50 per pack
Your Child’s Teeth from
Ages 6 to 12
A valuable resource for parents of school-
aged children, this brochure talks about oral
development, the role of a healthy diet, sealants,
hygiene, fluoride, malocclusion, and injury
prevention. Includes an updated tooth eruption
chart plus step-by-step brushing and flossing
photos. Emphasizes the message, “Don’t wait to
take your child to the dentist until pain or a dental
emergency happens.”
8 panels, 50 per pack
Kids aren’t the only ones who learn as they go! Give
parents tips for each stage of growth and development.
1 $28.00 $42.00
2-9 $23.80 $35.70
10+ $21.00 $31.50
150 $73.50 $109.50
400 $180.00 $268.00
800 $336.00 $472.00
Pricing for Brochures
This is one of my favorite
brochures. It’s super well written
and has a lot of pictures.”
-Dr. Lidieth Libby, Phoenix, Az.
ORDER BY PHONE: 800.947.4746
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