ation only as directed as prescribed trol pain and r to prevent only as cation prescribed does not r you, don’t take more pills re often than directed — . in are normal after ved elling and pain: ld compress to your face, or a cold, moist cloth y give you specific ow long and how old compress t right away if you se issues r vomiting re pain, swelling, or orse with time instead ch your dentist, go to ncy room. u Eating and drinking Day of procedure: • Drink lots of liquids and eat soft, nutritious foods. • Avoid hot liquids and alcoholic beverages. • Do not use a straw, as this can disturb the blood clot. Day after procedure: • Begin eating solid foods the next day or as soon as you can chew comfortably. • For the first few days, try to chew food on the side opposite the extraction site. • When it feels comfortable, you should resume chewing on both sides of your mouth. u Other things you should know • Avoid alcoholic beverages or mouthwash that has alcohol in it for 24 hours. • Limit physical activity like exercise or lifting heavy objects for 24 hours after the extraction. This will reduce bleeding and help the blood clot to form. • If you do get a dry socket, report it to your dentist right away. A dressing may be placed in the socket to protect it until the socket heals and to reduce any pain. Do not disturb the blood clot that forms in the tooth socket! The blood clot that forms in the tooth socket is an important part of the normal healing process. You should avoid doing things that might disturb the clot. If the blood clot is disturbed and breaks down, you can get a dry socket. Dry sockets can be extremely painful. To lower your risk of a dry socket, be very careful to not do anything that can disturb the clot. For the first 24 hours, do not suck, spit, slurp, or any other action that creates suction in your mouth and puts pressure on your blood clot. This means: • Do not drink through a straw • Do not smoke (smoking can also prevent your gums from healing properly) • Do not suck on candy, popsicles, lollipops, etc. • Do not slurp up soups or other liquids • Do not rinse your mouth with too force TALK TO YOUR DENTIST BEST SELLER Tooth Extraction: Post-Operative Instructions Every extraction patient should have this handy brochure! It provides general guidelines and post-operative instructions for tooth extractions to promote healing, prevent complications, and make the experience more comfortable. Your patients are bound to have some preconceived notions of the process. This brochure has information they need on what to expect – and how to watch out for abnormalities. Includes space to add custom contact numbers and special instructions. W119 English, 8 panels, 50 per pack W243 Spanish W310 Chinese PERSONALIZE IT! DAB008 Promote healing, prevent and make your patients' experience more comfortable with these brochures. After Surgery: • Be prepared to rest and avoid vigorous activity. Recovery time will vary from person to person, so be sure to follow your dentist’s instructions on when you can return to normal activities. • Avoid solid foods that require a lot of chewing. Stick to soft foods and liquids. Do not drink with a straw. The “sucking” action could make the wound site take longer to heal. • You may have some swelling and discomfort. This is normal, but your dentist will talk to you about what you can do to help manage these problems. • Be sure to know how to reach your dentist during non-office hours in case you have any questions or concerns about the healing process. • There will usually be a follow-up appointment to ensure the site is healing. In some cases, there may be complications after treatment. It is possible to get “dry sockets.” Dry sockets can develop when the blood clot that forms over your socket is displaced, leaving bone and nerves exposed. Smoking can increase the risk for complications and delay healing. Follow your dentist’s instructions carefully to reduce the risk for complications. Not everyone’s teeth develop on the same schedule. See your dentist regularly so he or she can monitor the growth of your wisdom teeth. What You Can Expect If you use tobacco in any form, it is important to quit. Smoking and vaping can cause problems with your healing process. Ask your dentist or physician for information about ways to quit. What about pain relief? Some people think that pain after wisdom teeth removal can only be tackled with prescription medicines. But that’s not true. Studies show that a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen—both common pain relievers you can buy off the shelf under many brand names—work just as well as prescription medicines without the side effects like the potential for addiction. Talk to your dentist about options for pain relief. isdom Teeth xamine your wisdom teeth and aving them removed so they problems. ms with Wisdom Teeth s can become infected. When partially comes through the gums, opening where bacteria may enter. pain, swelling and jaw stiffness. age or crowd other teeth. y a wisdom tooth that doesn’t om in the jaw to grow in or one n sideways or at an angle. ac (cyst) or tumor can form pacted tooth, destroying ne or tooth roots. erry-oh-DON-tal) disease, also disease, can develop because re hard to brush and clean perry-kor-on-EYE-tus) can infection of the soft tissues nerupted or a partially isdom Teeth can perform wisdom tooth if your dentist sees a need re, you may be referred to an acial (max-UH-lo-FAY-shul) dentist who specializes in surgery ft tissues of the mouth, including pacted wisdom teeth. If your to a specialist, the two will work e you with the best care. Before Surgery: • Your dentist will explain what to expect and help you plan for the appointment. He or she may recommend dressing comfortably in loose clothing and arranging for someone to be with you after your dental visit. • Extractions are usually performed under local anesthesia. This means you stay “awake” but your mouth is numbed with a pain medication. You can discuss with your dentist the types of anesthesia and pain or antianxiety medication to determine what is right for you. • Talk to your dentist about any questions you have about the procedure. He or she will also tell you how you can get advice after office hours if you have any problems after surgery. • Tell your dentist about past illnesses and current medications you are taking — this should include both prescription and over-the- counter drugs. TALK TO YOUR DENTIST REVISED Your Wisdom Teeth This practical brochure explains what wisdom teeth are and details reasons they might need to be removed. With a list of potential problems caused by wisdom teeth, reinforced by x-rays of horizontal and angular impaction, your patient will understand why this is a recommended treatment and help increase case acceptance. It also addresses pain management, suggesting acetaminophen and ibuprofen instead of prescription medication. Use this brochure to walk them through what to expect before and after surgery, and answer all the basic questions with one resource. W127 6 panels, 50 per pack PERSONALIZE IT! DAB010 Pricing for Brochures BEST SELLER 3 Tooth Replacement Options This best-selling booklet has been updated to help you and your patients more thoroughly review each available option for tooth replacement. This booklet can be used as an additional resource to help them understand their options more easily. Covers benefits of implants, fixed bridges and removable partial dentures. W293 12-page booklet, 50 per pack PERSONALIZE IT! Prices on page 98 12-panel brochure DAB032 | 12-page booklet DAB090 Pricing for 3 Tooth Replacement Options PACKS MEMBER RETAIL 1 $35.00 $52.50 2-9 $29.75 $44.65 10+ $26.25 $39.35 Includes a comparison chart to help your patients choose the best option! 請遵循牙科團隊的所 有指示。 這將有助於確保您的口腔在拔牙後 能夠正常癒合。這些指示也有助於 降低口腔癒合過程中出現任何問題 的風險。 有時,由於蛀牙、疾病或外傷, 需要拔牙。complications 當您「拔出」一顆牙 齒時,即稱為拔牙。 拔牙後,口腔自然會發生變化。 以下是一些通用指南,有助於促 進癒合、預防併發症並讓您在康 復時更舒適。 _____________________________________________________ 辦公電話號碼 _____________________________________________________ 下班後電話號碼 _____________________________________________________ 下次預約(日期/時間) 特別指示: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 拔牙: 術後指示 牙醫治療 W310 如需訂購多份, 請聯絡 800.947.4746 或造訪 ©2018 American Dental Association 版權所有。 ADA 健康笑容小貼士much • 每天使用含氟牙膏刷牙兩次。 • 每天清潔牙齒縫隙。 • 健康飲食,限制含糖飲料和零食。 • 定期去看牙醫,預防和治療口腔疾病。 想要瞭解更多關於口腔和 牙齒護理的資訊,請造訪 ADA 的網站(僅面向患者)。 u 出血 牙醫可能會在拔牙處 放一個紗布包以限制出 血。這也將有助於形成 血凝塊,是正常癒合所 必需的。此紗布包應保持在原處直至您離開牙 醫診所後 30 至 45 分鐘。 不要咀嚼紗布包。紗布包取出後可能會有一些 出血或滲血。如果出現這種情況,請進行以下 操作: • 取一塊潔淨的紗布,折疊成足夠厚,直至可 咬緊。用潔淨的溫水潤濕紗布塊,然後直接 放在拔牙處。 • 緊咬紗布塊來施壓。保持此壓力約 30 分鐘。 如果紗布塊被血液浸透,更換新的潔淨紗布。 • 不要吮吸或用舌頭觸碰拔牙處。 • 拔牙處可能會少量出血直至形成血凝塊。 但是,如果持續大量出血,請聯絡您的牙醫。 (但請注意,少量血液與大量唾液混合後可能 會看起來像大量出血。) Spanish and Chinese also available! PERSONALIZED BROCHURES QTY MEMBER RETAIL 150 $82.50 $124.00 400 $196.00 $300.00 800 $360.00 $540.00 STANDARD BROCHURES PACKS MEMBER RETAIL 1 $28.00 $42.00 2-9 $23.80 $35.70 10+ $21.00 $31.50 PATIENT EDUCATION 74 ORDER BY PHONE: 800.947.4746 EXTRACTIONS | RESTORATIVE TREATMENT ORDER ONLINE: ADACATALOG.ORG 75
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