Clinical Kit Our two most popular clinical resources work together to support your decision-making. Kit includes: • The ADA Practical Guide to Soft Tissue Oral Disease • The ADA Practical Guide to Patients with Medical Conditions K018 Kit, 2 books Members $129.95 Retail $189.95 The Extraoral and Intraoral Soft Tissue Head and Neck Screening Examination 7 the patient’s mouth wide open so that the cheek is stretched taut. Place four fingers flat on the face over the parotid gland in the preauricular area and milk the gland by using digital pressure to compress it against the masseter muscle or ramus area. Most patients exhibit a subtle white line at the occlusal plane of the buccal mucosa (i.e. linea alba), which is considered a variation of normal. While retracting the cheeks, use mirror‐assisted indirect vision to examine the tuberosity/hamular notch area and then, with direct vision, use the fingers and a mirror face to retract the buccal and labial mucosa, and observe the facial alveolar mucosa, mucogingival junction, attached gingiva, and free Hard palate Soft palate Uvula Geniohyoid and mylohyoid muscles supporting the floor of the mouth Buccal mucosa Lingual tonsil Palatine tonsil Upper lip Anterior two-thirds of the tongue Base of the tongue (Posterial one-third) Nasal cavity Pharyngeal tonsil Upper labial mucosa (a) (b) Maxillary gingiva Hard palate Soft palate Maxillary tuberosity Tonsil and pillars Retromolar pad Mandibular vestibule Lower labial mucosa Mandibular gingiva Hamulus Uvula Figure 1.2 (a) Oral cavity proper, frontal view. (b) Major components forming the bounda- ries of the oral cavity proper, sagittal view. The oral cavity (unshaded area) is divided from the oropharynx (shaded area) anteriorly/posteriorly at the posterior extent of the anterior two‐thirds of the tongue the superior/inferior extent of the oral cavity is the hard palate and floor of the mouth the superior/inferior extent of the oropharynx is the nasopharynx and hypopharynx. 0003397706.INDD 7 03/16/2018 8:28:42 AM Medical History/Physical Evaluation/Risk Assessment 11 Figure 1.11 Spontaneous gingival bleeding due to severe thrombocytopenia. Figure 1.12 Hemosiderin‐stained calculus on teeth from chronic oral bleeding due to severe hemophilia A. Figure 1.13 Jaundice of sclera of eye due to severe liver cirrhosis. Figure 1.14 Spider angioma of skin due to severe liver disease. vascular diseases and clotting‐prone condi- tions, and some of the most commonly used over‐the‐counter analgesic medicines (aspirin, ibuprofen) may alter hemostasis. Dental pro- viders also need to be aware that use of herbal supplements, often not revealed in the health history, can enhance bleeding risk. Four of the top five supplements (green tea, garlic, ginko biloba, and ginseng) taken by dental patients in a dental‐school‐based study are reported to enhance bleeding risk.6 Weighing against the need to discontinue aspirin therapy for dental extractions, a recent case–control study demonstrated no The ADA Practical Guide to Patients with Medical Conditions This evidence-based guide takes a patient-focused approach to help you deliver safe, coordinated oral health care for patients with medical conditions. Written by more than 25 expert academics and clinicians, this second edition updates all the protocols and guidelines for treatment and medications and adds more information to aid with patient medical assessments. The book clearly organizes individual conditions under three headings: background, medical management, and dental management. Other sections contain disease descriptions, pathogenesis, coordination of care between dentists and physician, and key questions to ask the patient and physician. P031 Book, 516 pages | Members $89.95 Retail $119.95 Book ISBN: 978-1-118-92440-2 KEY FEATURES INCLUDE • Coverage of clinical topics including: Cardiovascular Disease, Pulmonary Disease, Endocrine Disorders, Bleeding Disorders, Neurologic Disorders, Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric Disorders, Geriatric Health and Functional Issues, HIV/AIDS and Related Conditions and more • Identification of risks related to hemostasis, susceptibility to infection, drug actions/interactions, and ability to tolerate dental care, specific to the patient’s medical condition • Quick reference points and guides to key dental care issues in each chapter • A new chapter on medical screening assessment in a dental setting and biomedical screening tests performed by oral health care professionals BEST SELLER The ADA Practical Guide to Soft Tissue Oral Disease This revised second edition is a fully updated new edition of this popular guide to oral and maxillofacial diseases likely to be encountered in dental practices. Emphasizing foundational information on the most common oral diseases, the book provides summaries of essential information for diagnosing and treating soft tissue oral pathology. With a focus on clinical decision-making, the book includes important information for diagnosing disease and determining the best course of action. In addition to updates to knowledge, reference and images throughout, this edition covers new diagnostic methods, narrowband imaging devices, and saliva sampling testing. It is an invaluable reference on oral pathology for general dentists and dental specialties alike. • Easy-to-use, updated resource with brief synopses for everyday clinical reference • Includes self-testing clinicopathologic exercises to help readers further their skills and gain confidence in their knowledge • Features detailed color illustrations, treatment algorithms, differential diagnosis, and case examples with discussion • Includes review questions at the end of each chapter P033 Book, 280 pages | Members $99.95 Retail $129.95 Book ISBN: 978-1-119-43733-8 18 ORDER BY PHONE: 800.947.4746 CLINICAL RESOURCES ORDER ONLINE: ADACATALOG.ORG 19 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT
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