ADA Catalog 2020 OPTION 3B - Revised with larger font sizes GRAY CAT DESIGN CDT 20 20 Dental Procedure Codes Now with ICD-10 codes! INCLUDES E-BOOK ACCESS Save 10% on all ADA Catalog products PROMO CODE 20010A EXPIRES 7.31.2020 How to Use Evidence-Based Dental Practices to Improve Your Clinical Decision-Making 9 781684 470617 90000 ISBN 978-1-68447-061-7 Alonso Carrasco-Labra, D.D.S. Romina Brignardello-Petersen, D.D.S. Michael Glick, D.M.D. Amir Azarpazhooh, D.D.S. Gordon Guyatt, M.D. Dental Practices to on-Making urce for learning how to harness ion—whether it be in the clinic are. ces is the definitive resource nce-based dentistry (EBD) research linical studies patient care ice with the latest clinical an EBD all-star istry oversaw the development cators alike will find it a useful o-date scientific evidence in he curious mindset needed to How to Use Evidence-Based Dental Practices to Improve Your Clinical Decision-Making 7.25” .875” 7.25”
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