THE ADA PRACTICAL GUIDE TO OSHA TRAINING 9 General Safety Standards and OSHA Overview Checklist Check the box next to each item that applies. If you leave any of the boxes unchecked, take the necessary steps to inform yourself or to correct the situation. Consult your office compliance manager for training, if necessary. I know who my office OSHA compliance manager is. My employer has provided me with PPE, and I have been trained on its proper use and care. I know that it is my employer’s responsibility to train me on any hazards related to my job. My workplace has no obvious safety hazards. The OSHA poster is displayed prominently in my office, and I know where it is. By checking the boxes and signing this checklist, the employee acknowledges he or she understands the items listed above and has completed any items that require further action. By countersigning this completed checklist, the office compliance manager acknowledges that the employee understands and has completed the checked items above to his or her satisfaction. _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Employee Signature Date _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Office Compliance Manager Signature Date
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