3 THE ADA PRACTICAL GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE INFECTION CONTROL Program Objectives Upon completion of this program, the user should: 1. Understand the risks and modes of occupational transmission of bloodborne pathogens such as HBV, HCV and HIV 2. Know the kinds of personal protective equipment (PPE) that should be used routinely during dental treatment 3. Recognize the importance of immunization against infection. 4. Understand the importance of infection prevention measures to contain respiratory secretions and prevent the spread of respiratory pathogens when examining and caring for patients 5. Understand strategies such as respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette to contain respiratory secretions and prevent the spread of infection 6. Understand the limitations of the medical history in identifying potential sources of infection 7. Understand the concept of Standard Precautions 8. Understand the practices involved in establishing and maintaining infection control before, during and after dental treatment procedures 9. Be able to define the terms sterilization and the different levels of disinfection 10. Be able to select and implement appropriate disinfection and sterilization procedures for different situations 11. Be able to appropriately monitor sterilization cycles 12. Know the appropriate actions to be taken in the event of contact with blood or saliva 13. Develop and implement policies and practices to reduce the risk of occupational exposures 14. Be familiar with medical conditions and work-related illnesses that may require work restrictions 15. Understand and implement policies and procedures to ensure appropriate hand hygiene and care 16. Appropriately maintain dental unit water quality 17. Appropriately handle and dispose of regulated and nonregulated medical waste 18. Be familiar with policies for the detection and referral of patients who might have active tuberculosis
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