7 THE ADA PRACTICAL GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE INFECTION CONTROL How Often Do You: Never Sometimes Always 18. Disinfect operatory equipment and surfaces between patients n n n 19. Use single-use surface covers whenever contamination is possible n n n 20. Remove mask completely before leaving the operatory n n n 21. Use prearranged tray setups for routine or frequently performed procedures n n n 22. Use individualized bur blocks for each procedure n n n 23. Use a rubber dam whenever possible n n n 24. Clean and dry instruments prior to sterilization or disinfection n n n 25. Use external and internal chemical monitors for each sterilization cycle n n n 26. Use biological monitors for assessing sterilization on a weekly basis n n n 27. Load and pack trays correctly in the sterilizer n n n 28. Monitor all gauges during sterilization for accuracy n n n 29. Use chemical sterilization only when an item cannot be heat sterilized n n n 30. Disinfect items before sending them to the dental laboratory n n n 31. Dispose of single-use devices after each use n n n 32. Tell patients NOT to close their lips around suction devices n n n 33. Follow CDC-recommended respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette procedures n n n 34. Have you received the hepatitis B, influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, and chicken pox (varicella) vaccines n Yes n No Now go back and review your results. Pay particular attention to items checked “sometimes” or “never.” These responses indicate areas that may require particular attention as you study this program and develop an office infection control plan.
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