Mouthguards and
Sports Safety
Thumb Sucking, Finger
Sucking and Pacifier Use
This brochure helps explain to parents why
children suck on fingers and thumbs and
how the habit can impede proper mouth
growth and development.
Features photos of malocclusion caused
by sucking thumbs and bottles
Offers tips on when and how to stop a
child from thumb sucking
W218 4 panels, 50 per pack
P E R S O N A L I Z E I T !DAB099
Tooth Decay
in Baby Teeth
Baby teeth can get cavities!
Parents In this brochure:
How to keep your child’s mouth
healthy at every stage
What may happen when your
child’s teeth are not healthy
To order additional copies, call 800.947.4746
or visit
©2023 American Dental Association
All rights reserved.
9 781684 471928
ISBN 978-1-68447-192-8
ADA Healthy Smile Tips
Brush your teeth twice a day with
a fluoride toothpaste.
Clean between your teeth daily.
Eat a healthy diet that limits sugary
beverages and snacks.
See your dentist regularly for prevention
and treatment of oral disease.
For more information about taking care of your
mouth and teeth, visit,
the ADA’s website just for patients.
Prepared in cooperation with the American Academy
of Pediatric Dentistry,
Initial decay photo courtesy of David M. Hassan, DMD.
Untreated tooth decay causes brown or even black
spots on the teeth. This can cause your child to be
embarrassed about his or her smile.
Baby Teeth Are Important
Baby teeth hold space for the adult teeth. Tooth
decay can cause baby teeth to fall out too early.
If a baby tooth is lost too early, the teeth beside
it may drift or move into the empty space. When
it’s time for the adult teeth to come in, there may
not be enough room for them. This may cause adult
teeth to be crowded and crooked. Crowded and
crooked teeth not only affect your child’s smile,
they also may be harder to keep clean.
Baby teeth help when eating. When your baby
starts eating solid food, he or she will need
teeth for biting and chewing.
Baby teeth help when learning to talk. The front
teeth especially are important in helping your
child make certain sounds, like “s,” f,” and “th.”
When baby teeth are lost too early, it may be
difficult for your child learn to speak clearly.
Healthy baby teeth Initial decay Moderate decay Moderate to severe decay Severe decay
Decay in Baby Teeth
White lesions
Your child’s first tooth is exciting. It’s the
start of a lifetime of smiling! But, baby
teeth have more jobs than just making a
beautiful smile. Baby teeth help with eating,
learning to talk and making sure there is
room for permanent teeth to come in.
For these reasons it’s important to keep baby
teeth healthy and avoid tooth decay.
Tooth Decay Is Caused by Bacteria
Tooth decay damages and breaks down teeth.
When your child eats and drinks, bacteria in their
mouth feed on the sugars that are found in foods
and drinks. The bacteria create acids that can break
down the hard, outer layer of their teeth, called
enamel (e-NAM-uhl). Over time, tooth decay can
develop and a hole, or cavity, may form in the tooth.
Tooth Decay Can Affect Your
Baby’s Overall Health
Tooth decay can start as soon as your baby’s teeth
come in, usually by age 6 months. This can cause
pain, which can make it difficult for your baby to talk
and eat. Eating problems can cause poor nutrition,
which may affect growth and development.
Tooth decay is an infection that can spread to other
parts of the tooth and, in severe cases, the body.
A toothache, swelling of the cheek, fever or trouble
breathing all may indicate that the infection from
tooth decay is spreading.
Adult tooth If a baby tooth
is lost too early,
the teeth beside
it may drift into
the empty space.
Thumb Sucking,
Finger Sucking
and Pacifier Use
Mouthguards and
Sports Safety
Millions of Americans experience
sports-related dental injuries each
year. Mouthguards play an essential
role in preventing mouth and jaw injuries.
This brochure:
Explains the importance of a well-fitting,
comfortable mouthguard
Describes the types of mouthguard
Offers tips for dealing with a dental
emergency, including a knocked-out
tooth, cracked or broken tooth, jaw
injury or bitten lip or tongue
W51023 8 panels, 50 per pack
Your Child’s First Visit
to the Dentist
Prepare parents for what to expect during
their child’s first visit to the dentist with this
ADA resource.
Advises parents to schedule a well-baby
checkup with a dentist by the child’s first
Gives tips for how to have a successful
first visit that minimizes stress and fear
Resource they can refer back to for
information on how to prevent decay in
their baby’s teeth and when to expect
teeth to come in or fall out
W11020 8 panels, 50 per pack
P E R S O N A L I Z E I T !DAB006
Provide ADA essential brochures to the
parents of your youngest patients!
Tooth Decay in Baby Teeth: Baby Teeth Can Get Cavities!
A child’s first tooth is exciting! But tooth decay can start as soon as a baby’s teeth start to
come in, usually by age 6 months. Tooth decay can cause pain, which may make it hard for a
child to eat or speak. Healthy baby teeth are also necessary to hold space in the mouth for
permanent teeth that will come in later.
This brochure instructs parents on how to take care of their child’s mouth as teeth develop
and how to establish good brushing habits. It also recommends parents bring their child to the
dentist before their first birthday for a “well-baby checkup” for their teeth and mouth.
Photos of different stages of tooth decay in baby teeth
Tips for a healthy diet to build strong teeth
Instructions for establishing good oral hygiene in children
W16623 English, 8 panels, 50 per pack
W26623 Spanish
P E R S O N A L I Z E I T !DAB017
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)
Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a noninvasive,
painless way to treat tooth decay that
can benefit many people, especially those
who have trouble sitting for long periods
of time. Inform patients about this easy-
to-apply treatment that can be used as an
alternative to a traditional filling to help
stop tooth decay.
Introduces what SDF is and how it is used
Lists people who may benefit from SDF,
including children and elderly adults
Explains drawbacks, such as staining, but
emphasizes that treatment is safe
W50322 6 panels, 50 per pack
1 $32.00 $47.00
2–9 $27.50 $40.25
10+ $24.50 $35.75
150 $90.00 $135.00
400 $216.00 $324.00
800 $408.00 $616.00
Brochure pricing
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