Tobacco and Oral Health
Tobacco in any form can harm patients’
health. This brochure compares many popular
forms of tobacco, including e-cigarettes,
smokeless tobacco and waterpipes.
Emphasizes that each form of
tobacco is detrimental to oral health
Includes infographics and images to
show the oral effects tobacco can have
Highlights reasons to quit and helpful tips
and resources to make quitting easier
W19022 8 panels, 50 per pack
P E R S O N A L I Z E I T !DAB070
Ceramic veneers
A ceramic veneer is a thin shell that is custom-made
to fit on the front surface of your tooth.
Ceramic veneers have some benefits.
For example, they:
are strong and long-lasting
have a natural-looking surface
Steps to placing a ceramic veneer
1. To prepare the tooth, your dentist usually removes
a small amount of enamel from the front and sides
of your tooth. This makes room for the veneers so
that your teeth look natural.
2 Your dentist takes an impression to make a mold
of the prepared tooth. It is also possible to use an
intraoral scanner to make a 3D computer model
instead of using a mold. Your dentist will also
work with you to decide on the veneer shade
that will look best for your smile.
3. The impression or 3D model is sent to a dental lab
that custom-makes the veneer to fit your tooth.
This may take several days or your dentist may have
a lab that can make and deliver the veneer on the
same day. If it will take more than one day to create
your veneer, your dentist may give you a temporary
veneer to wear until your ceramic veneer is ready.
4. When the veneer is ready, your dentist will place
it on your tooth to check its fit and shape. After
any adjustments, your teeth are cleaned and the
veneer is bonded to the tooth.
5. Your dentist may need to make minor adjustments
to your bite at a later appointment.
Before and after ceramic veneer placement.
Before and after composite resin
veneer placement.
Composite resin veneers
A composite resin veneer is made from a tooth-
colored filling material that is bonded to the tooth.
Composite resin veneers have some benefits.
For example, they:
may require less tooth enamel to be removed
than for a ceramic veneer
may mean fewer visits to the dentist
sometimes a composite resin veneer
can take just one visit
are easier to fix if they get damaged
composite veneers are generally not
as stain-resistant or wear-resistant as
ceramic veneers, but they can be
repaired easily and quickly
Steps to place a composite resin veneer:
1. Your dentist will prepare or reshape your tooth,
then carefully bond and sculpt the composite
material. Your dentist will work with you to
decide on the veneer shade that will look best
for your smile.
2. A special light is used to harden the composite
resin and bond it to your tooth.
3. Finally, the veneer is smoothed and polished
to look like your natural tooth.
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your teeth a Images © Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Images © Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Tooth Whitening for
a Brighter Smile
This brochure helps patients understand and
differentiate between four types of whitening
products —whitening toothpastes, over-
the-counter bleaching products, home-use
whiteners from their dentist and in-office
whitening. It also discusses the side effects
of whitening and why whitening is not
recommended for everyone.
Photos of laser whitening and whitening trays
Before and after photos of whitening
Side effects of whitening, including sensitivity
Instructions for keeping teeth white
long term
W28523 6 panels, 50 per pack
P E R S O N A L I Z E I T !DAB026
Dental Treatment
Tooth Whitening
for a Brighter Smile
Dental Veneers: Improve Your Smile
For patients considering veneers, this brochure explains everything
they need to know beforehand.
Describes the different types of veneers using before-and-after images
Walks patients through the steps for placing each type of veneer
Includes aftercare instructions for long-lasting results
W28820 6 panels, 50 per pack
P E R S O N A L I Z E I T !DAB028
Help your patients show off
their best smiles!
Vaping and E-Cigarettes
Vaping among children was declared a public health epidemic in 2018. Many school-
aged children, preteens and teenagers take up vaping without understanding the
potential risks to their health. Many adults begin vaping to help them quit smoking,
then end up doing both. Use this brochure to educate your patients who vape—or
may be tempted to vape—about the potential risks to their health.
Explains what vaping is and that vaping is especially common among middle and
high school students
Lists harmful chemicals and particles that may be inhaled while vaping
Suggests alternate tools for smoking cessation besides vaping
W51822 8 panels, 50 per pack
According to the 2021
National Youth Tobacco
Survey conducted by
the FDA and CDC,
more than 2 million
school-age children
(grades 6-12) reported
use of e-cigarettes in
the past 30 days.
Be prepared to treat
and help these kids
when they are in
your chair.
Vaping and
1 $32.00 $47.00
2–9 $27.50 $40.25
10+ $24.50 $35.75
150 $90.00 $135.00
400 $216.00 $324.00
800 $408.00 $616.00
Brochure pricing
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